All Guardian products (both components and complete products) pass detailed inspection. Each our lock is indicated by individual number of the assembly worker. It demonstrates our responsibility towards the customers.
All components of the locks are produced directly at our Company. Due to modern equipment, lock components are produced without any deviations from the design documentation. It ensures reliable and long-term operation of the lock.
Company Guardian provides 5-year warranty for the locks for metal and wooden doors. Each lock is provided with warranty sticker, which confirms the authenticity of the lock. The warranty sticker provides possible replacement of every lock in case of it's defect.. Warranty of the locks for plastic and aluminium doors is 2 years.
Having analyzed popular effraction and temper methods Guardian's design department developed new secure lock's series - 50 series, Maximum series and Quattro series. At the same time Company Guardian is always working on protection and improvement of all their locks. Today, Guardian locks are the one of the most secure locks. It is proved by many invention's patents and conclusions of testing laboratories.
Due to its’ construction, almost all Guardian locks are suitable for right and left doors (except for the locks of Rotor-Lock, Maximum and Quattro series). Revolution of the latch is performed rather quickly and easily, without the dismantling of the lock. Model range of Guardian locks is varied. It includes lever, cylinder locks with latches, mortise bolts, locks with the vertical locking system (for closing from three sides), combines locks (lever+cylinder mechanisms). In accordance with the customer’s requirements, any door from economy to premium class may be quickly and easily completed.
All Guardian locks have certificates of compliance to GOST 5089-2011 regulatory requirements. Despite the obligatory certification of lock products, we continue to test our locks in well-known specialized laboratories and centres. On the basis of its’ conclusions, each lock is assigned with its own protection class.
Upon the customer’s request, Guardian lever locks may be completed with any number of keys. Beside a standard key, production of elongated keys is possible. Any number of keys may be provided. Besides, we perform such orders, as the production of any number of lever locks with one secret. A number of keys and its’ length depend on the customer’s will. Besides the locks, we produce and sell decorative plates (nickel, brass, chrome, powder coating), handles at the plates (powder coating).
All components of Guardian locks have an anti-corrosive coating, or they are provided with a galvanic coating (zinc, nickel), or polymer powder coating, or are produced from galvanized steel.
They are unique patented level locks. This series includes two locks: Guardian 21.14 and Guardian 25.14. Those locks are considered to be unique because of replaceable code part of the lever mechanism. This gives an opportunity to replace a secret without the dismantling of the lock from the door (cylinder lock principle). Suck locks have highest 4th protection level.
The range of products, produced by Company Guardian, includes “invisible” electromechanical lock. The lock is opened and closed remotely by means of fobs via protected radio channel. From the inside, this lock may be closed and opened by means of a latching device, similar to a common mortise bolt. The control unit of the lock also includes an accumulator, which allows the lock to work for a long time without mains voltage.
The enterprise permanently develops new models, improves the quality of the products and protective features of existing locks.
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